Haiku: Captivating Crescents

Who doesn’t adore a rainbow? And – even better – a double rainbow? Add some wild geese flying overhead and you get a scene that was wholly unexpected (but immensely appreciated) on a gray, wet day.

May you, too, be gifted a vision of beauty to lift the spirits.

Haiku: A Cat Comes In From The Cold

Sometimes, animals come into your life unexpectedly, like this little tabby that mysteriously appeared one day a few years ago. Sadly, since we live in a rural area, “dumping” pets happens with some regularity – a terrible practice because there are so many dangers to domestic animals allowed to roam (predators like coyotes, cars, exposure to the elements, starvation). Since we already had several cats, we called local shelters to see if any could take her, only to find out that they were full. Small wonder that some people choose to dump their pets when there are no shelters to accept them.

In any case, she stayed with us (and was promptly spayed!). She’s such a lovely, calm, and charming cat that I can’t help but think that she was meant to find us and make our lives richer. I’m thankful for our “windowsill cat” – and now, she only looks out of windows, not in.

Haiku: Bursting Forth

It’s hatching day for Silverudd’s Blue and Olive Egger eggs! At last check, the first external pip was on an SB egg (it pipped the wrong end, which isn’t necessarily a problem), and an Olive Egger had also made a nice, large crack in its shell. Over the next couple of days, there should be fluffballs running around the incubator and, when they’re ready, the brooder. If you like cute chick pics, stay tuned!

Haiku: Lonely Bones

Walking through a pasture yesterday, I spied something white in the long grass and discovered that it was a partial skull (the mandible is missing, and it’s flipped upside down). The deer to whom the skull belongs has clearly been dead for a while, and given the austere time of year, its remains could have been scavenged by some hungry animal and the skull left where the meal ended.

Small herds of deer visit our property, grazing and resting, from time to time. Maybe this was one of those visiting deer or its offspring.

I can’t help but wonder how it came to rest here…dragged by a coyote, perhaps? It’s a stark reminder of the fleeting and fragile nature of life, especially for creatures that are wild and free.

Haiku: Creature Comforts

A case of the “Mondays”…?

Castor likes to conserve his energy until he needs to expend it, like when it’s mealtime…or there’s a strong possibility of belly rubs. Until then, he’s content to snuggle into his bedding and watch the goings-on from there.

Heard pigs are smart? Here’s some food for thought about the complexity of pig cognition.

Haiku: In An Old Barn

I see this view of the barn every day, but it captured my interest (and merited a photo) on Thursday, when the light caught these bowls in an appealing way. Though largely monochromatic, dirty, and worn, it said “homestead” to me…where I often find myself dirty and tired, but where the adventure never ends! 😉

What does the image (or the haiku) say to you?