It’s Black Cat Appreciation Day!

You may already know that black-colored animals are less likely to be adopted from shelters than animals of other colors, but there’s no logical justification for it.

Black cats (and dogs, both of which I’ve had the privilege to live with) are just as lovable as full of personality as those of other colors, but superstition and lower photogenicity (not their fault – cameras struggle to show nuance with black) mean that they’re avoided or overlooked…unfairly.

If you’re considering adding a cat to your family, consider a wonderful, glorious black cat – or two or three. All hail the beautiful and mysterious black cat!

Under Pressure: YES to Instant Pot Yogurt!

Easy homemade yogurt? Oh, yes!

It’s been a few years since I bought my first Instant Pot and I still use at least one of them (I have six because I have “spare” 3 and 6 quart models – don’t want to find myself without!) every day. I usually find myself just using the “Manual” cook function even though there are many other programs…like Yogurt. Well, I finally took the leap and used the Yogurt function, and I am absolutely thrilled with the results!

Continue reading “Under Pressure: YES to Instant Pot Yogurt!”

Daily Wonder: A Perplexing Pod

A seed pod?

The universe – or Mother Nature? – has an incredible way of snapping us out of our own self-absorbed reveries and grounding us in the present. Today, as I finished the morning chores and was hosing off my boots, I looked down and noticed that there was some kind of pod nestled in the grass. It was the same color as the grass, but the oblong shape drew my attention. I needed to find out more about this strange object.

Continue reading “Daily Wonder: A Perplexing Pod”

Farm Fowl: Beatrix The Hunter **Warning: Graphic Photos**

You may already know that chickens are omnivorous opportunists and, given the chance, they’ll devour a variety of protein sources: I’ve seen chickens chase down and eat small frogs (wince), along with a variety of insects. Recently, we were very surprised to see one of our hens running around with an unusual “treat” in her beak.

Continue reading “Farm Fowl: Beatrix The Hunter **Warning: Graphic Photos**”