Butterflies may get most of the adulation, but I maintain that moths are marvel-worthy, too. We have so many different kinds around the farm that it’s mind-boggling; here are just a few that showcase the incredible camouflage skills that moths possess.
Continue reading “Around The Farm: The Mimicry Of Moths”Category: Photography
Short Read: A Snail’s Search, Part VIII
It was the kind of day that snails celebrate: not too hot, and steamy with humidity. As the very small snails gathered at the White, two were talking excitedly. A snail with a spiral shell was aflutter, repeatedly asking about the Legend. Another tiny snail was waving her antennae nonstop, proclaiming that she had heard that someone had been told that the Legend had been sighted. Sophie took the chatter in with a bemused smile, then said, “little snails, gather around – we have news about Gaston!”
Continue reading “Short Read: A Snail’s Search, Part VIII”Farm Fowl: The Year’s Final Gosling Integration
There comes a time in our young poultry’s lives where they must make the transition from being human-raised babies to becoming the fowl that they’re meant to be. That time arrived recently, when the last of this season’s ganders, Eddie, Alex, and Wolfie, joined the Pilgrim gaggle.
Continue reading “Farm Fowl: The Year’s Final Gosling Integration”Farm Fowl: Weathering The Heat
We’ve been suffering the effects of a “heat dome” here for about the past week. Temperatures have been in the 90s during the day (reaching 105F+ with the heat index), and it doesn’t cool off much at night. This makes for dangerously hot weather, for people and animals. We’ve learned some tricks over the years that helps keep our flocks healthy and resilient, and are employing them now.
Continue reading “Farm Fowl: Weathering The Heat”Wildcrafted: Making Mugolio (Fermented Pine Cone Syrup)
As we near the official start of summer here in the northern hemisphere, baby birds are fledging, flowers are blooming, and the pine treees are putting forth beautiful cones. I’m always looking for ways to utilize the bounty of the land, so when I discovered a wildcrafted syrup called Mugolio, I knew I’d be making some!
Continue reading “Wildcrafted: Making Mugolio (Fermented Pine Cone Syrup)”Haiku: Remnants
Robins, plentiful around here, are hatching. Finding the cast-off shells from the successful hatches (and this one showed the signs of just that: the shell broken in the upper third, the inner membranes and blood vessels dry) is like finding a small, incredibly gorgeous treasure. Yes, a well-known jewelry retailer uses that hue as their “signature” color, but it belongs to the robins…and that beauty belongs to all of us.