Haiku: Pre-Dawn Vista

About a half hour before sunrise technically occurs, morning chores begin. In this pre-dawn period, it’s dark, still, and very different from the way the farm feels when it’s light out. Eyes, used to interior lighting, need to adjust to the darkness and sometimes there’s a bit of stumbling around while trying to get bearings.

It’s a special time: wild birds begin stirring, young roosters start to crow, and the landscape is tantalizingly amorphous and mysterious. Sharp edges are softened, noises muted. And as dawn approaches – the glorious, changing colors in the sky, the wondrous event that’s unfolding – it feels like being front-row at a much-anticipated concert…and the star is about to enter the stage. 🌞

Around The Farm: Volunteers And Transformers

I’ve been planning a garden for the last couple of years, but have yet to actually set up the raised beds…despite having the lumber to do it. Why? It seems that other projects (interests?) always get in the way and, before I know it, it’s too late in the year to begin. Thankfully, volunteers have been allowing me to practice a bit this year!

Continue reading “Around The Farm: Volunteers And Transformers”

Haiku: Conflicted Sky

It’s an oppressively humid day – the kind of day that makes the air, heavy and wet, a presence. It feels like something is building out there, and based on the forecast, it is: thunderstorms. Frankly, it will be a relief if the skies open up and the moisture rains down because it will lower temperatures, cleanse everything in its path, and soak the dry earth. Come on, rain…we’re all waiting.

Haiku: Sailing Green Seas

On the hunt for Queen Anne’s Lace this morning, I spied what looked like a small sail against the verdant backdrop. The dew clung to it as if it were sea spray…sparking my imagination. Have a great Friday!