May this be the start of more beauty, more ecological action, more human cooperation. Let’s show the best in us, and realize that we’re all part of a society comprised of different backgrounds, preferences, beliefs, and perspectives. America is for all Americans, and our strength is in our diversity…not just racial and ethnic diversity, but diversity of opinion, too. Peaceful dissent is lawful – and necessary. Let’s keep it that way!
Category: Poetry
Haiku: Push Pessimism Aside – Vote!
I generally steer clear of political topics here, but I want to put this out there: voting, especially in this election, is incredibly important…and if you don’t vote, I don’t want to hear you whine later about who gets elected!
Continue reading “Haiku: Push Pessimism Aside – Vote!”Haiku: Sights From A Line
The line was at the Early Voting station – the tree was along the sidewalk where we waited to enter the building. The beauty all around us was in full display here: maple trees had been planted near an unremarkable building that was fronted by an unappealing (and noisy) road, breaking up the inorganic surroundings with their organic exuberance. Looking up, I saw bright oranges and yellows against a cerulean backdrop…not just dull gray concrete and vehicles driving by. It was a welcome visual treat.
Haiku: No Mistakes
If you know who Bob Ross was, you’ll get this one. “Happy accidents”, Bob…happy accidents. Thanks for the reminder!
Haiku: The Good Mother
I was walking in the pastures on a dewy morning (as they frequently are), when I noticed a small butterfly – a copper – struggling to fly out of the wet grass. I was reaching toward it to try to relocate it to higher (drier) ground, when I saw something larger move in the grass nearby. It was dark and I only caught a brief glimpse: a frog?
As I took a closer look at the area where the probable “frog” had gone into the grass, I realized it was definitely not a frog – it was a large spider! She hid from me, just wanting to keep her babies safe, so I quickly took a couple of photos and then left her in peace. What a good mother, toting all those spiderlings around. And what a rare treat to have witnessed her with her special passengers.
Learn more about amazing wolf spiders here.
Haiku: Beatific Bloom
Morning glories make me wax poetic – something about the cheery countenances, the uplifting cornflower hue, the feeling they create that they’re smiling – how could I not be charmed by them?
I’ve noticed that they’ve changed with the transition of seasons, too: the big, showy flowers of summer have become smaller – but plucky – last hurrahs. I know that one day soon, they’ll be gone…not to return until summer. How I’ll miss them.