You may recognize the plant in the photo as poison ivy, bane of many a gardener and outdoors enthusiast. Touching it can cause allergic reactions like painful contact dermatitis. I know not to tangle with this formidable vine, so I look but don’t touch.
Continue reading “Haiku: Revealing Red”Category: Poetry
Haiku: Silken Symmetry
The spiders here run the gamut from large to small. This particular orb weaver is tiny…so tiny that, to the naked eye, she looks like a speck. I’d noticed this line of objects atop the rooster tractor and when I looked very closely, saw that the diminutive arachnid was perched in the middle of the line. Do you see her?
Haiku: Quotidian Quietude
Now that it’s Fall, sunrise occurs later, which provides me with some time in the morning to read, write, attend to indoor tasks, or simply think while it’s dark and quiet…before I need to go out and tend the animals. It’s a welcome period in days that sometimes feel like I’m racing the clock.
Continue reading “Haiku: Quotidian Quietude”Haiku: Mercurial Mammatus
A strong storm blew in yesterday – the kind that made me wish I’d shut the solid coop door (often open for airflow this time of year, with the chickens safe behind a wire-covered “screen” door). The rain pounded the earth in slanted sheets, and the trees’ limbs flailed in the whipping wind. Thunder rattled the glassware in the china cabinet and I steered clear of the windows, wary of the brilliant flashes of lightning.
Continue reading “Haiku: Mercurial Mammatus”Haiku: Ghost Grasshopper
I must confess that I’ve taken the grasshoppers and crickets here for granted. Pastures teeming with the insects seem to imply that their populations are healthy…but, on a larger scale, they’re not. One day – soon, even – they may disappear.
Continue reading “Haiku: Ghost Grasshopper”Haiku: The In-Between
Isn’t it striking that we’ve associated darkness with negative things, like evil and death? That we do everything we can to light the darkness, to keep it at bay? And that the villain in Western movies is typically dressed in black? Why is the heart of darkness assumed to be bad?
Continue reading “Haiku: The In-Between”