Haiku: In The Nooks And Crannies

Though we’re in the season of austerity (including frigid temperatures, snow, and frost), tough little plants like this purple deadnettle find ways to survive…and even thrive. Nestled into a protective opening in a stone wall, the plant is sheltered from the biting wind and the rock serves as thermal mass, soaking up the morning sunshine. It has reminded me that as it finds simple – but effective – ways to meet its needs, so can I.

Winecraft: Working Wildflowers

We’re surrounded by the incredible beauty – arguably, mundane beauty – of wildflowers. Some belong to what we call “weeds” (undeservedly pejorative), but each has its charm, value, and/or use. While I truly do appreciate their aesthetic appeal, I also appreciate the range of wines that can be made from the edible flowers: some delicate, some bold, and all unique.

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