Short Read: Isabella’s First Flight

It seemed like a safe place to rest: empty, clean, and well-built. She was weary from the search, having traveled so far in search of the right shelter. It was clear that, once, someone had loved this place; that family had been here, and children, snug in this abode. That had been long ago, though, and the place simply held the echo of memories. With the weather turning cold and wet, and she knew she needed to hunker down.

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Winecraft: Working Wildflowers

We’re surrounded by the incredible beauty – arguably, mundane beauty – of wildflowers. Some belong to what we call “weeds” (undeservedly pejorative), but each has its charm, value, and/or use. While I truly do appreciate their aesthetic appeal, I also appreciate the range of wines that can be made from the edible flowers: some delicate, some bold, and all unique.

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Haiku: The Good Mother

I was walking in the pastures on a dewy morning (as they frequently are), when I noticed a small butterfly – a copper – struggling to fly out of the wet grass. I was reaching toward it to try to relocate it to higher (drier) ground, when I saw something larger move in the grass nearby. It was dark and I only caught a brief glimpse: a frog?

As I took a closer look at the area where the probable “frog” had gone into the grass, I realized it was definitely not a frog – it was a large spider! She hid from me, just wanting to keep her babies safe, so I quickly took a couple of photos and then left her in peace. What a good mother, toting all those spiderlings around. And what a rare treat to have witnessed her with her special passengers.

Learn more about amazing wolf spiders here.

Haiku: Swan Song

This beautiful orb weaver (based on her distinctive web, built off a fencepost) has been weathering the surprising cold here by hunkering down in the concavity within the metal post. Like Charlotte, though, she may not live much longer…frost dusted the pastures this morning, and orb weavers typically only live for one season. I’ll check later to see if she’s still with us, but her time may be running out.

Haiku: Pre-Flight Check

You may have discovered, as I have, that, often, the best gifts are surprises…and free. Nature is generous in its gift-giving, and we were recently gifted the experience of witnessing a caterpillar affix itself to our house’s siding, form a chrysalis, and – amazingly – emerge from that chrysalis! What luck to be present to see that newly-hatched butterfly working on unfurling its wings.

Continue reading “Haiku: Pre-Flight Check”

Haiku: Leavesdropping

It’s a delightfully cool day here, with a playful breeze that rustles the leaves in the trees, making it sound – especially when you’re standing below – like breathy whispers. If only I could understand what they’re saying…but it’s a private conversation.

If you believe in the interconnectedness of living beings, it shouldn’t be a stretch to imagine that the trees know that their kind are burning…now on the west coast, earlier in Australia, and ongoing in the Amazon. What must they think of us?

Did you know that it’s estimated that nearly 3 billion animals were killed or displaced because of the Australian bush fires? It’s difficult to comprehend the enormity of this loss, and it will have lasting impacts – from the Reuters article, “researchers said the destruction will see some species become extinct before their existence is even recorded.” 😢