For The Birds: Cold Weather Considerations

With the arrival of below-freezing weather, we’ve put the bird feeders out. On one side, a mix of wild bird seed; on the other, a seed-studded suet cake. The birds have enthusiastically visited the feeders (one out front where we can see it from the breakfast nook) and out back, visible from the dining area. With a pair of binoculars, it makes for excellent viewing.

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Haiku: A Frore Shore

The unseasonably frigid weather has presented great opportunities to observe and capture photos of uniquely brumal scenes like this one. The scintillating crystals of ice seem like living creatures, growing, even suggesting movement when out of the viewer’s direct line of sight. Who could tire of such natural and pristine beauty? And what other substance could make mud look this good? 😉

Haiku: Appreciating Autumn Leaves

Like it or not, the sheer beauty of the season inspires me to continue writing verse – and the chill in the air is positively invigorating. Rest assured, I’ll continue to post about cooking, fermenting, and the other content you’re used to seeing here, but there will be poetry, too. Just be aware: I also enjoy limericks!

As someone who believes in the value of clear communication, I appreciate the tidy succinctness of haiku; as “mood” poetry, it’s particularly well-suited to capturing moments in nature. Consider this classic haiku by Matsuo Basho (from the Academy of American Poets website):

An old pond!
A frog jumps in—
the sound of water.

Doesn’t it create a very vivid image in your mind? And sound, along with that image? I “see” a still garden pond, with lily pads floating on it, and a small frog leaping from the bank into the water with a splash that belies the frog’s small size. Then – if you run with it – the concentric circles, ripples flowing out from the center of the splash. Yes, the last part is clearly an extrapolation, but poetry encourages you to let your imagination run wild!

May the wonders of the season awaken your muse, too.