Haiku: Under Cover Of Darkness

It snowed yesterday and continued overnight. The puffy morning clouds present in the gloriously sunny morning gradually coalesced into an oddly bright – though thickly cloudy – “snow sky” in the afternoon. Later, the snow fell in big, carefree flakes; watching it float down, swirling, is like witnessing the dance of thousands of tiny crystalline butterflies…mesmerizing, magical moments.

I hope that you, too, still marvel at the world’s everyday beauty – and if you’re able, go play in the snow!

Haiku: Fingernail Moon

Disclosure: this pre-dawn scene is from Monday. The moon is now a waxing crescent, of course…and the new moon has come and gone.

I thought the shadowy illumination of the”dark” part of the moon was particularly interesting: it’s there, but only suggested – like many things at this time of the day.

Haiku: Pre-Dawn Vista

About a half hour before sunrise technically occurs, morning chores begin. In this pre-dawn period, it’s dark, still, and very different from the way the farm feels when it’s light out. Eyes, used to interior lighting, need to adjust to the darkness and sometimes there’s a bit of stumbling around while trying to get bearings.

It’s a special time: wild birds begin stirring, young roosters start to crow, and the landscape is tantalizingly amorphous and mysterious. Sharp edges are softened, noises muted. And as dawn approaches – the glorious, changing colors in the sky, the wondrous event that’s unfolding – it feels like being front-row at a much-anticipated concert…and the star is about to enter the stage. 🌞

Haiku: Pastel Dawn

I’m spellbound by a tall Silver Maple tree that seems to keep watch over our property. This morning, the dawn sky was all soft colors, the shadowy tree standing steadfast against the pink and lavender backdrop…an arboreal guardian.