We have a special Muscovy drake here on the farm. His name is Ellie (short for Elliott), and he hatched a few years ago with a visual impairment. Other than the fact that he doesn’t see normally, he’s just like any other drake…and he needed a girlfriend. Badly. Meet his new companion: Fionnoula.
Tag: Ducks
Build This: Hoop Tractor v3.0
When you have poultry or waterfowl grow-outs (but especially waterfowl, since they make such a mess with water), a tractor is invaluable. It keeps them safe from predators but allows the growing birds to scratch, bathe, find bugs, eat greens, and enjoy fresh air and sunshine – creating a “controlled” free range (more precisely, pastured) environment. Buying a well-made hoop tractor can be expensive, so we make our own.
Farm Fowl: Ducklings’ Day Out
The Runner babies went out for their first swim and, at first, most of them seemed taken aback at being in water. Ducks not liking water?? Then their instincts kicked in.
Musings: Farming As Both Struggle And Inspiration
At times I wonder about the future of small-scale farming: with large farming operations buying up small farms and effectively putting smaller farmers out to pasture, why would someone voluntarily choose what is, at best, a hardscrabble lifestyle? It’s certainly not for the prestige, the ease, or the security (or the healthcare coverage)…but now that I’ve been a full-time farmer, I better understand why certain individuals still choose to farm.
Continue reading “Musings: Farming As Both Struggle And Inspiration”
Farm Ducks: Now Sweet Sixteen!

The group of 10 ducklings are now nearly three weeks old. And, almost a week ago, we added 6 more!
On The Farm: Bathing Beauties

Ducks are charmingly messy creatures. They love wet conditions: mud, rainy days, puddles to splash in…and they poop a lot. When it comes to bathing, nothing beats ducks for sheer happiness in the water!