Haiku: Working Girl

She’s the “working girl” 😉

It’s been a banner year for the elderflowers (sadly, the same can’t be said for some other flowers and plants, like the day lilies that fizzled out early, probably due to the dry conditions), and visions of a bumper crop of elderberries – and elderberry syrup and wine – dance in my head. If those visions become reality, I have pollinators like this tiny bee to thank. And I wholeheartedly do thank them!

Enlarged for detail – look at all the pollen on her legs!

Haiku: Foreshadowing Flowers

In a reversed world, these diminutive flowers could be stars in a firmament. Today, though, they’re tears. Despite how it may look, this scene is about transformation: the fragrant fading flowers will become vibrant berries – capable of becoming new plants and nourishing animals. And I will eagerly await the change. Be well.