Haiku: Morning Walk

The light was really striking this morning during our walk. It was in the 50’s when we were out, quite a change from the recent frigid temps brought by the polar vortex. It may be unseasonably warm, but this weather is definitely conducive to getting outdoors!

Good Sweat: Walking When It’s Cold Out

Deciduous trees dressed in winter’s austerity

The temperatures have dipped back down into the 20’s and when it’s windy, the wind chill often drops the “feels like” temperature as much as 10 degrees…not to mention that walking uphill and into a headwind makes it that much more challenging! But we’re trying to do something physically challenging, right? And there are bonuses to walking when it’s cold out!

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Natural Body Care: Homemade Sore Muscle Salve

A creamy salve to soothe the soreness!

Delightful DOMS…Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness is what you may experience when you begin working out again or just generally overexert yourself. It usually takes 2-3 days to reach “peak” soreness, and as you get older, it seems like it takes longer for your muscles to recover. So what do you do? Break out the BENGAY®? Nope – make your own herbal salve for those aches and pains, instead!

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