Tag: Hatching
Musings: Small Sunday Celebrations

Yes, this is a massively dirty incubator – the aftermath of a gosling hatch. Looking at that mess – and the smell! – was a little depressing…for a brief, irrational moment I thought about simply tossing that filthy incubator into the trash. But that’s not how I roll. So I pushed up my sleeves, put on my rubber gloves and got to work.
Continue reading “Musings: Small Sunday Celebrations”Hatch Day Houdinis: The Amazing Gosling Escape

Yesterday was day 29 of incubation for the first batch of goose eggs of the year. By the end of the day, there were several external pips – goslings were on their way!
Continue reading “Hatch Day Houdinis: The Amazing Gosling Escape”In The Incubator: First Pilgrim Goose Hatch of 2023

Daffodils blooming, robins sparring, and buds appearing on trees are usually sure signs that spring is approaching…and so is the first goose egg. Now that more geese are laying, I’ve been able to set the first group of the year!
Continue reading “In The Incubator: First Pilgrim Goose Hatch of 2023”Post-Hatch Recap: Lavender Ameraucana #1 – And Chilly’s Story

The hatch is over and there are fluffballs in the brooder. It’s been a few days, and the chicks are growing fast – some have even gone to new homes already. Let’s look back at how this hatch went and visit with one chick who needed a little extra help.
Continue reading “Post-Hatch Recap: Lavender Ameraucana #1 – And Chilly’s Story”Hatch Update: Lavender Ameraucana #1 (2023)

If you’ve been waiting to hear about how the first Lavender Ameraucana hatch of the season is going, thank you for your patience. Where does the time go?? Read on to find out how this set, now two-thirds of the way to hatch, is doing!
Continue reading “Hatch Update: Lavender Ameraucana #1 (2023)”