“F” that, indeed! I never fail to amaze myself with unexpected optimism; for example, hoping that the water hose will work during a cold snap. With this hope, however, comes the very real possibility that it’ll be dashed…and I’ll end up soggy and behind schedule.
Continue reading “Farm Follies: Frost-Facilitated Foibles”Tag: Homesteading
Around The Farm: A Small Harvest…And A Surprise
The largest sunflower, a volunteer that defiantly sprouted from a seed that the chickens either missed or couldn’t reach because it bounced outside their run, has reached the point where it’s ready for harvest. While I’m always delighted to find these kinds of volunteers, I also discovered a surprise growing amidst the other sunflowers that I had intentionally planted. What kind of surprise? Read on to find out.
Continue reading “Around The Farm: A Small Harvest…And A Surprise”Musings: Unapologetically And Unabashedly Unkempt
I live in the country. I haven’t always lived in the country – I’ve resided in both urban and suburban areas before – but I’m definitely rural now. And that means I don’t live under CC&Rs that dictate how often I have to mow or what color I can paint my house. It also means I can let my property be as natural as I choose: (a) untamed, (b) partially tamed, or (c) ridiculously manicured. I choose “b”.
Continue reading “Musings: Unapologetically And Unabashedly Unkempt”Incubation Update: The Goslings Are Hatching! (Long Read)
Sometimes, the quiet in an incubator with eggs in lockdown is deafening. What’s going on in there? Are the air cells large enough? Are the goslings still alive?? And then, out of the blue, a pip appears!
Continue reading “Incubation Update: The Goslings Are Hatching! (Long Read)”Incubation Update: Pilgrim Goose Eggs – Second Candling
The goose eggs are nearly three quarters of the way through incubation. Today, I candled to verify continued development and weighed the eggs. I also visually checked the air cell development.
Continue reading “Incubation Update: Pilgrim Goose Eggs – Second Candling”Incubation Update: Pilgrim Goose Eggs – Second Candling
It’s the second candling, roughly halfway through the incubation period. There’s good news and bad news, but overall, it’s looking very good.
Continue reading “Incubation Update: Pilgrim Goose Eggs – Second Candling”