Cooped Up – Day 3

Cooped_Chickens_Day3The chickens seem resigned to their current state of confinement to the coop. Since there’s only 7 of them, it’s pretty roomy. It won’t be like that for too long, though – batch 1 of the second generation chicks will be out there in a few weeks.

Seeing the hawk swoop down on wild birds fleeing the feeder out back validated that keeping the chickens cooped was the right decision. It’s a small hawk, but clearly deadly to chickens.

The hawk deterrents (owl statue, reflective tape) have arrived and we’ll be putting them out where we’ve seen the hawk. We hope they scare the you-know-what out of any hawks looking for a chicken meal. Wild birds: tell your friends that crows and mockingbirds are welcome here!

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Day 2 Of Being Cooped Up

Ty_MohawkBecause of the threat of hawk attack, the remaining 6 layers and the rooster have been confined to their coop. They’re not happy about it, and when you think about, it makes total sense. Even if they had witnessed a hawk attack on a flock-mate, they probably don’t remember it now. All they know is that they’re stuck in their nighttime quarters and they’d rather be outside, scratching, running around, and doing their chicken thing.

In researching how others had resolved issues with hawks attacking chickens, a couple of posters had indicated that some states issue depredation permits. It sounded sketchy to us, so we reached out to the KY Fish & Wildlife agency about the predation – they advised that all hawks are federally protected in KY under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, and that killing a hawk is a federal offense. The agency helpfully recommended that we keep the chickens confined for a few days so that the hawk would lose interest (good to know we were already on the right track!). Kudos to KY Fish & Wildlife, too – they are very responsive and genuinely seem to want to help citizens who are losing livestock due to predation (within the parameters of applicable law, of course).

Continue reading “Day 2 Of Being Cooped Up”

Ava Has A Haystache

Ava_HaystacheAfter the unsuccessful attempt to breed the NZ does last month, it looks like we may have at least one kindling at the end of the month. Today, we spied Ava sporting a “haystache”, which is usually a sign that a doe is pregnant. It’s pretty early (she was bred a week ago), so there’s a possibility this could be a false pregnancy.

We’ll keep an eye on her and Loretta (bred at the same time) and bring them indoors to kindle when they’re closer to the big day. Better to assume pregnancy and be wrong than to dismiss the signs and let these first-time mothers kindle out in the cold.

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