Earlier, we shared how we discovered that the pickled jalapeños we’d purchased were, to our chagrin, full of additives and preservatives. After disposing of them (and recycling the jars – would have kept them, had they been glass), we became acutely aware that we no longer had any of those delicious pops of spice that livened up dishes so well. What to do? Get some jalapeños and ferment them!
Tag: Probiotics
Farm Ferments: Coconut Milk Kefir
I recently posted about the probiotic dreaminess that is kefir cream, but haven’t forgotten my friends who don’t do dairy. A wonderfully easy, dairy-free alternative is coconut milk kefir!
Farm Ferments: Kefir Cream
Do you enjoy the super-rich creaminess of (dairy) whipped cream? How about the gut-pleasing goodness of probiotics? Well, you’re in luck – the two come together in delicious kefir cream!
Farm Ferments: Sourdough Bread Kvas (квас)
I’ve previously posted about making the wonderful fermented tonic beet kvass, and continue to make it regularly. Some time ago, while researching different types of “kvass”, I discovered that the origin of the drink is an Eastern European ferment that uses bread – specifically, rye bread – as starter for the ferment. It just so happened that there was some “extra” sourdough rye sitting around, so I started some traditional bread-based kvas.
Continue reading “Farm Ferments: Sourdough Bread Kvas (квас)”
Farm Ferments: Butternut Squash
Autumn is the season of squash. Sure, squash is available at other times of the year (like the eponymous summer squash and overabundant zucchini), but for sheer variety, fall can’t be beat. All manner of gourds – decorative and edible – beckon from grocery store produce shelves and market tables. Time to get creative and preserve some of these gems!
Farm Ferments: Always Room For More
It’s ‘booch harvest day, and three gorgeous bottles of the good stuff are sitting quietly on a shelf on the fermentation station, working their second ferment magic. Sometimes I have to take a step back and marvel at the various ferments in different stages – I am, after all, a microbe farmer (mad scientist?), too.