I delight in repurposing glass food jars. And I’ve amassed quite a collection, offering just the right sized jar for every need. With the change in global demand for recyclables, reusing and repurposing glass is more important than ever.
Tag: Recycle
Rant: Stop The Plastic Madness!

Are you exasperated with the ubiquitousness of plastic, too? We’re inundated by it, and it’s an undeniable environmental problem…and yet, companies continue to needlessly wrap goods in plastic – sometimes multiple layers – until it feels like there’s no escape from excessive plastic use. I’m particularly appalled by a recent order I received from Vitacost, especially in light of what the shipping box said.
No Waste: Recycled Wine Bottles

I’ve been reusing my own private stash of wine bottles (alas, I recycled many before I thought to save them for my own wines!), but I finally got down to the last few and realized I had quite a bit more wine to bottle. Checking Craigslist, I found a few listings for cases of wine bottles for sale, but – even better – also found a local winery offering cases of empty (used) bottles for free!