Rant: Stop The Plastic Madness!

Sure, those plastic packaging cushions have recycling symbols on them – just point me to a facility that accepts them 😕

Are you exasperated with the ubiquitousness of plastic, too? We’re inundated by it, and it’s an undeniable environmental problem…and yet, companies continue to needlessly wrap goods in plastic – sometimes multiple layers – until it feels like there’s no escape from excessive plastic use. I’m particularly appalled by a recent order I received from Vitacost, especially in light of what the shipping box said.

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No Waste: Recycled Wine Bottles

Hmm…looks like it might be time to build a wine rack!

I’ve been reusing my own private stash of wine bottles (alas, I recycled many before I thought to save them for my own wines!), but I finally got down to the last few and realized I had quite a bit more wine to bottle. Checking Craigslist, I found a few listings for cases of wine bottles for sale, but – even better – also found a local winery offering cases of empty (used) bottles for free!

Continue reading “No Waste: Recycled Wine Bottles”