Around The Farm: Too Warm, A Bit Too Early

A maple tree’s fresh new leaves

It’s a sunny Saturday here on the farm, and it’s been unusually warm. Temperatures yesterday hit 80F and are forecasted to be in the 80s (currently 84F now) for the remainder of the weekend. The combination of high humidity and temperatures makes for some uncomfortable days working outside, a reminder of the real heat and humidity that are just around the corner.

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Haiku: Fleeting Finery (Snow Series #4)

The transformative power of snow is at work once again, turning the mundane magnificent. With a liberal powdering of snow, even a dry, brown leaf is renewed…and perhaps a bit of my spirit, as well. May you also find the ordinary beauty around you and luxuriate in it.

Haiku: Alive, Again

The elderberry bushes have been dormant over the winter, only recently pushing out their shiny, dark green leaves. Seeing the new growth adorning the skeletal twigs poking from the soil, I’m suffused with happiness: renewal, regeneration, rebirth, resilience…right in front of us.