If you’ve read yesterday’s post, you know how I feel about the recent arctic blast (bitter). In fairness, however, there was beauty present even while I cursed the cold.
Continue reading “NYE 2022: Making Snowcones From Snow (Only Metaphorically!)”Self-taught farmers confidently raising chickens, ducks, geese, and pigs. Our focus is on practices that are environmentally harmonious and respectful to our livestock. We appreciate the beauty around us, clean eating, fermenting, and responsibly utilizing the bounty of the land. If you like thinking for yourself, continuous learning, and connecting with the homesteader lifestyle, check us out.
If you’ve read yesterday’s post, you know how I feel about the recent arctic blast (bitter). In fairness, however, there was beauty present even while I cursed the cold.
Continue reading “NYE 2022: Making Snowcones From Snow (Only Metaphorically!)”Nature never fails to amaze, despite how much we take her for granted. In the midst of a spell of frigid weather that’s left surfaces coated in thick ice (making walking treacherous, at best), and among the myriad prints that have been left in the snow by our boots and various animal visitors, I happened upon this, this very morning. Does she know it’s Valentine’s Day? I choose to believe it’s not a coincidence, that she left something remarkable as a reminder that Nature needs – and deserves – our care and protection, too.