Short Read: Isabella’s First Flight

It seemed like a safe place to rest: empty, clean, and well-built. She was weary from the search, having traveled so far in search of the right shelter. It was clear that, once, someone had loved this place; that family had been here, and children, snug in this abode. That had been long ago, though, and the place simply held the echo of memories. With the weather turning cold and wet, and she knew she needed to hunker down.

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Haiku: The Wait Is Over

May this be the start of more beauty, more ecological action, more human cooperation. Let’s show the best in us, and realize that we’re all part of a society comprised of different backgrounds, preferences, beliefs, and perspectives. America is for all Americans, and our strength is in our diversity…not just racial and ethnic diversity, but diversity of opinion, too. Peaceful dissent is lawful – and necessary. Let’s keep it that way!

Winecraft: Working Wildflowers

We’re surrounded by the incredible beauty – arguably, mundane beauty – of wildflowers. Some belong to what we call “weeds” (undeservedly pejorative), but each has its charm, value, and/or use. While I truly do appreciate their aesthetic appeal, I also appreciate the range of wines that can be made from the edible flowers: some delicate, some bold, and all unique.

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This Is Halloween 2020: Are Scary Pumpkins Even Needed?

Plague Doctor, Evil Clown, Grim Reaper…

One of our Halloween traditions is pumpkin-carving, but the last couple of years saw us digging deep to find the desire to do it. Last year, in fact, we didn’t carve any. This year, though, we realized that it doesn’t feel much like Halloween without some jack o’ lanterns…so carve we did.

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Haiku: Sights From A Line

The line was at the Early Voting station – the tree was along the sidewalk where we waited to enter the building. The beauty all around us was in full display here: maple trees had been planted near an unremarkable building that was fronted by an unappealing (and noisy) road, breaking up the inorganic surroundings with their organic exuberance. Looking up, I saw bright oranges and yellows against a cerulean backdrop…not just dull gray concrete and vehicles driving by. It was a welcome visual treat.