Haiku: Guardian Of The Elderberries (Mantid Series #1)

The elderberry harvest was phenomenal this year; there were many more productive bushes, providing a bounty of elderflowers (from which an ethereally delightful wine was made), followed by more berries, than I’ve seen in the past. When I went out to collect a last few clusters for syrup before the berries overripened, I almost didn’t notice the mantid patrolling the bush…and you can see why.

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Haiku: Facing The Day

There are those mornings where I just have a tough time greeting the new day. This was one: the bed was perfectly warm, sheets were soft, and the day just didn’t seem like it held promise. Why not just stay, pull the duvet over my head, and let the day go by? Because others were depending on me. And, because of that, I shook off temptation and set about my daily routine. And the day turned out to be good, after all.