Musings: Farming As Both Struggle And Inspiration

At times I wonder about the future of small-scale farming: with large farming operations buying up small farms and effectively putting smaller farmers out to pasture, why would someone voluntarily choose what is, at best, a hardscrabble lifestyle? It’s certainly not for the prestige, the ease, or the security (or the healthcare coverage)…but now that I’ve been a full-time farmer, I better understand why certain individuals still choose to farm.

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Porcine Adventures: Playing Dead Perfectly

This is not what you want to see: a pig proned out, seemingly dead. Castor gave me a start the other day when I happened upon him like this. After the initial shock, I realized that he was really just taking a long siesta in the sun.

See – he’s fine! But he can’t be bothered to get up right now.

This reminds me of the first time I saw a chick sunbathing – she was all awkwardly sprawled out, and I thought she was dead (!). Was I ever relieved to see her finally wiggle around a bit into a more comfortable position!

The pigs are happy in their mud wallows, but when the sun’s out, sunbathing is apparently in order. The next time I see one of them stretched out, limp, on a sunny day, I won’t feel my heart clutch in my chest because I’ll know they’re just relaxing.

Thanks for the coronary! 🙄

Farm Projects: Setting Up Rotational Grazing

Earlier, I posted about our new pigs – they’ve been in a roomy pen while we figured out what kind of fencing setup would work to get them out in the pasture. We knew from earlier encounters (like when we first tried to move Mama from the car to the barn and she ran out of her crate a few feet onto grass, which she immediately began grazing) that secure fencing is imperative. With some research, planning, and equipment purchases, they’re now all set to do rotational grazing on pasture.

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