Farm Fowl: In Praise Of The Poop Board

Don’t be fooled – the tiny phase doesn’t last!

Spring is chick season, and there are undoubtedly many people who are new to chickenkeeping acquiring their first chicks. It’s an exciting experience, but those who have gone before – if you will – have tips and “lessons learned” to share. One tip I’d like to share is about the importance of the poop board. Find out why it makes chicken raising so much more manageable!

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Growing Things: Regrowing Green Onions

Green emerges!

Spring is the time of growth and renewal, as evidenced by the transformation of the farm landscape from austerity to verdancy. I’d read over the winter that it was easy to regrow a number of different common vegetables, so after I used green onions in kimchi, I decided to try my hand at regrowing the (root) ends that I’d cut off. Based on the green I see, it looks like it really does work!

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Offal, Not Awful: Rooster Fries

Recently, we processed a group of roosters and while it’s not something I look forward to, I am filled with gratitude for the delicious meat from our pastured, non-GMO fed birds. As an occasional meat eater, I believe that it behooves me to use as much of the bird as I reasonably can, especially the bits that are edible but deemed “weird” or “exotic” (maybe adjectives that could describe me, too). This time, I was determined to make something tasty and enjoyable from rooster testicles…in the air fryer!

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Farm Fowl: Laying Like It’s Spring!

Right in the nest box – good girl!

The calendar may say that there’s still another week and a half until spring arrives, but the poultry say otherwise: the first goose eggs of the season were in the coop this morning. Along with those enormous beauties, the ducks left five of theirs, and I also collected two early-morning chicken eggs. Hooray for spring’s bounty!

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