The next two notes in the recorder learning lineup are low D and low E (hereafter referred to as just D and E in this post – there are also high versions of the notes), and while the fingering for both is arguably easier than for F, they still pose their own challenges…but surmountable ones.
Continue reading “Notes: The Persnickety Propinquity of Low D & E”Category: Continuous Learning
Notes: Relative To F…
Relative to F, dastardly D was easy to learn. F requires that all holes except the fifth be covered, and the bottom hole(s) are actually covered using a key due to the reach required. Playing this new note at first, it sounded pretty effing bad.
Continue reading “Notes: Relative To F…”Notes: Mastering High “D”
I’m still learning how to play the recorder, and I’ve practiced daily. I’ve improved, but have been spending more time than I had hoped on learning how to play a (high) “D”. When the student music book devotes multiple pages to the note, it’s a clue about how difficult it may be to play competently.
Continue reading “Notes: Mastering High “D””Notes: Respect For The Recorder
Impressively, the recorder set we ordered arrived before Christmas. Perhaps less impressively, we – both of us are learning to play – didn’t get around to actually trying them until after Christmas…but once we did, we were hooked!
Continue reading “Notes: Respect For The Recorder”