Musings: Thoughts For New Year’s Day

New Year’s Eve 2018 was a wet and blustery one in these parts. I suppose that’s not all bad – for those people who insist on lighting their own celebratory fireworks, the risk of starting a fire was decreased. While I typically spend NYE reviewing the year that’s drawing to end, I decided not to do that this year. Instead of looking back, I’m looking forward.

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Haiku: Appreciating Autumn Leaves

Like it or not, the sheer beauty of the season inspires me to continue writing verse – and the chill in the air is positively invigorating. Rest assured, I’ll continue to post about cooking, fermenting, and the other content you’re used to seeing here, but there will be poetry, too. Just be aware: I also enjoy limericks!

As someone who believes in the value of clear communication, I appreciate the tidy succinctness of haiku; as “mood” poetry, it’s particularly well-suited to capturing moments in nature. Consider this classic haiku by Matsuo Basho (from the Academy of American Poets website):

An old pond!
A frog jumps in—
the sound of water.

Doesn’t it create a very vivid image in your mind? And sound, along with that image? I “see” a still garden pond, with lily pads floating on it, and a small frog leaping from the bank into the water with a splash that belies the frog’s small size. Then – if you run with it – the concentric circles, ripples flowing out from the center of the splash. Yes, the last part is clearly an extrapolation, but poetry encourages you to let your imagination run wild!

May the wonders of the season awaken your muse, too.