Haiku: Mercurial Mammatus

A strong storm blew in yesterday – the kind that made me wish I’d shut the solid coop door (often open for airflow this time of year, with the chickens safe behind a wire-covered “screen” door). The rain pounded the earth in slanted sheets, and the trees’ limbs flailed in the whipping wind. Thunder rattled the glassware in the china cabinet and I steered clear of the windows, wary of the brilliant flashes of lightning.

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Haiku: Diaphanous Descent

The pleasures of pareidolia…like seeing a vaporous Phoenix in the sky. What does this cloud formation look like to you?

On this final day of July, let’s welcome August for its possibilities. We start anew, with a fresh month beginning. August: rising from July’s ashes. Welcome!

Haiku: Fantastical Fort (Snow Series #8)

The snow creates so many opportunities for, frankly, woolgathering and whimsy. When I spied a tiny cave created by a curled leaf, I imagined that wandering creatures like fairies might take advantage of the diminutive shelter to get out of the freezing wind and warm up a bit before continuing on. Safe journeys, my friends.