On hot May nights, an enchanting perfume wafts through the still air. What is this alluring fragrance? The sweet scent comes from the creamy blooms of the Black Locust tree. When an edible flower smells that lovely, it surely must make a sensational wine!
Tag: Edible Flowers
Eat This: Homemade Sourdough Toast And Wildcrafted Jelly
Right before we go out to do morning chores, we have a quick snack. Today, it was fresh, thick-sliced homemade sourdough toast with grass fed butter and wildcrafted jelly. There’s nothing like homemade to start the day right!
Continue reading “Eat This: Homemade Sourdough Toast And Wildcrafted Jelly”
Haiku: Vibrant Violets
The farm flowers are blooming, providing plentiful inspiration for verse. I am particularly fond of the demure, diminutive blue violets – they’re such a lovely pop of color against the dark greenery. Not just beautiful to behold, violets also have a number of health benefits…and they make a gorgeous syrup!
Winecraft (Update): Queen Anne’s Lace
Which white, frilly, (edible) flower makes an amazing wine? Queen Anne’s Lace*, of course. And, yes, it’s a wild-growing plant that some would consider a “weed”.
Winecraft: Queen Anne’s Lace
The Queen Anne’s Lace was so good in jelly – and those lacy flower heads keep springing up along the fencelines – I had to try making wine!
Around The Farm: One Sassy Sunflower

There’s a volunteer sunflower growing close to the duck coop. It was probably a stray seed that the fowl missed, a seed that luckily landed in the damp soil where it wasn’t spotted and then germinated. This sunflower turns its face to the sun in the morning, as if to greet the new day. I like sunflowers, and I especially like the ones that just pop up (seemingly) out of nowhere.