This is the second in a series of short works of fiction inspired by images of ordinary beauty. I hope you enjoy reading it, and your comments are welcome.
Continue reading “Short Read: On Mossy Hills”Self-taught farmers confidently raising chickens, ducks, geese, and pigs. Our focus is on practices that are environmentally harmonious and respectful to our livestock. We appreciate the beauty around us, clean eating, fermenting, and responsibly utilizing the bounty of the land. If you like thinking for yourself, continuous learning, and connecting with the homesteader lifestyle, check us out.
This is the second in a series of short works of fiction inspired by images of ordinary beauty. I hope you enjoy reading it, and your comments are welcome.
Continue reading “Short Read: On Mossy Hills”Part of the fun of fermenting is being creative, and when you’re moving nascent wine to a secondary and you see this…well, it merits capture not only in a photo, but in verse. Art is everywhere, if you look for it.
I’d hazard a guess that most farmers don’t spend too much time looking up at the sky and daydreaming – for obvious reasons: you look up and step into a hole or slip and end up covered in mud. Nobody wants that, and injuries aren’t funny when you have buckets to lift, you need to crouch and stoop, and there isn’t a “backup” to do the work for you. When I saw this morning sky, though, I had to stop pulling my cart loaded with feed buckets and rubber bowls – just for a moment – and take it in.
The soft, puffy-looking “dunes” invited pondering what lay beyond them: the ether. There was blue sky up there, and it peeked out from the cloud cover. I couldn’t help but wonder if, when sleep came, I could float up there, passing through the spun-cotton threshold into what’s above. Maybe I’ll find out.
What feelings or imaginings does this sky(ku) evoke in you?
Clouds are endlessly fascinating – in the same sky, they can appear in myriad formations, forecasting weather and mesmerizing with swirling, fleeting images. Was that a dragon – or a bus? Regardless of what you see – whimsical or ordinary – look up (if it’s safe to, of course) – they may be shaping themselves into something extraordinary right at this very moment.
What do you see? The “dancers” look a bit like teeth to me, too. An unusual sky…and pure fun to engage the imagination.