Farm Ferments: Curry And Caraway Cauliflower

If you’ve cut up cauliflower, you know it makes quite a spectacular mess – tiny bits fly out as it’s cut, small as grains of sand. And yet, despite the veggie’s unruliness, I keep eating it. Sometimes, I don’t get to it fast enough, though, and it begins to brown unappealingly. Freezing it would buy time, but how about other ways of extending its “expiration date”? Fermenting is a great way to do just that!

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Farm Ferments: Sourdough Bread Kvas (квас)

Yeasty or less so?

I’ve previously posted about making the wonderful fermented tonic beet kvass, and continue to make it regularly. Some time ago, while researching different types of “kvass”, I discovered that the origin of the drink is an Eastern European ferment that uses bread – specifically, rye bread – as starter for the ferment. It just so happened that there was some “extra” sourdough rye sitting around, so I started some traditional bread-based kvas.

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Farm Ferments: Revitalizing Rejuvelac

Yes, I have a “thing” for alliteration…it’s just part of being a logophile. I also wear a t-shirt that illustrates the importance of a properly-placed comma; am an Oxford comma adherent; and I ferment things. Multi-dimensional, I am. Enough about me, though – did you know that you can make a tasty, rejuvenating probiotic beverage from wheat berries?

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