Musings: Small Sunday Celebrations

A well-used hatcher…ugh

Yes, this is a massively dirty incubator – the aftermath of a gosling hatch. Looking at that mess – and the smell! – was a little depressing…for a brief, irrational moment I thought about simply tossing that filthy incubator into the trash. But that’s not how I roll. So I pushed up my sleeves, put on my rubber gloves and got to work.

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Farm Fowl: The Season’s First Lavender Ameraucana Eggs

It’s technically not spring yet, but the sun is shining, the birds are singing, and the chickens are laying. The trickle of eggs from winter has grown into a steady stream and – always exciting – our second generation Lavender Ameraucana pullets have laid their first eggs!

The first second generation LA pullet egg (R)
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In The Incubator: Managing Multiple Hatches

Yep, the top is upside down (on purpose) and don’t believe the digital temperature displayI use two independent thermometers to get an accurate reading

It’s the hatching season…well, I hatch year-round, but this is the busiest time of the year for hatching! With multiple incubators and hatchers, eggs with different incubation needs and hatch dates, it can be a challenge keeping on top of everything that needs to be done. In this post, I’ll share some tips for staying abreast of the many tasks associated with setting groups of eggs at different times.

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