There once was a very small yellow chick that hatched with a leg that turned slightly out to the side. It didn’t know it was smaller or slower than the other chicks, or that it couldn’t run like everyone else. The chick just tried its best to live like all the other chicks, doing the same things, even if it couldn’t quite keep up. This is the story of that little chick…and an unexpected friendship.
Tag: Incubation
In The Incubator: Pilgrim Goose Eggs – Update
Just a quick update on the goose egg incubation: they’re doing great!
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In The Incubator: Pilgrim Goose Eggs

The hatching season is off to a strong start here on the farm, as we rebuild our poultry and waterfowl flocks. We’ve incubated many types of eggs (chicken, duck, guinea fowl, goose), but goose eggs are among my favorites!
Spring Chicks: First Hatch, Done
The first hatch is over, and we have 15 fluffy chicks. As with nearly every hatch, there were highs and lows, but we’re very happy to have a solid start on a new laying flock!
In The Incubator: “Spring Chickens”, Of Course!
The year’s first set of chicken eggs has begun hatching – right on schedule. It’s exciting and nerve-wracking…and it never gets old. With this group of mixed breed chicks, each one will be a surprise!
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In The Incubator: Countdown To Chicks

The incubators have been quiet for many months now…but no longer. With a couple dozen barnyard mix chicken eggs sitting pretty in the Brinsea, we’ll have tiny fluffballs in the brooder soon.