Farm Ferments: Just Junk-Free Jalapeños

Note the nitrile gloves – those peppers are hot!

Earlier, we shared how we discovered that the pickled jalapeños we’d purchased were, to our chagrin, full of additives and preservatives. After disposing of them (and recycling the jars – would have kept them, had they been glass), we became acutely aware that we no longer had any of those delicious pops of spice that livened up dishes so well. What to do? Get some jalapeños and ferment them!

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Kefir Madness: Pretty Plum and Gorgeous Grapefruit

The star of the show: water kefir “grains”!

Summer is water kefir weather. Those hard-working, gelatinous “grains” (actually a Symbiotic Colony of Bacteria and Yeast) turn sugar water into a sparkling probiotic beverage. While a water kefir first ferment (1F) doesn’t have much personality, the second ferment (2F) is where the fun happens!

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Farm Ferments: Revitalizing Rejuvelac

Yes, I have a “thing” for alliteration…it’s just part of being a logophile. I also wear a t-shirt that illustrates the importance of a properly-placed comma; am an Oxford comma adherent; and I ferment things. Multi-dimensional, I am. Enough about me, though – did you know that you can make a tasty, rejuvenating probiotic beverage from wheat berries?

Continue reading “Farm Ferments: Revitalizing Rejuvelac”