Tag: Nests
Haiku: Abandoned Abode
I love finding birds’ nests, as each is unique and usually includes some bit of human detritus – like the poly batting in this one. That birds would incorporate our trash in building their artful nests never fails to amaze me.
Continue reading “Haiku: Abandoned Abode”Haiku: Baby Mockingbirds
What a delightful surprise to find that the gorgeous Northern Mockingbird eggs had hatched – and from the looks of it, a couple of days ago!
The babies are already feathered, and will soon fledge.
We’ve been privileged to witness two different songbirds’ nestlings hatch, and it’s been such a rare pleasure. Mama Mockingbird has done a great job hatching and raising her brood – may they all grow up and raise their own babies someday!
Around The Farm: Fog, Fledglings, and Flowers
It was a misty morning, with humidity so thick that you could actually see it in the low-hanging fog. The grass was soaking wet with dew – and because of the high humidity, so were we…but there were chores to be done, and many interesting things to be seen!
Continue reading “Around The Farm: Fog, Fledglings, and Flowers”