Build This: Hoop Tractor v3.0

When you have poultry or waterfowl grow-outs (but especially waterfowl, since they make such a mess with water), a tractor is invaluable. It keeps them safe from predators but allows the growing birds to scratch, bathe, find bugs, eat greens, and enjoy fresh air and sunshine – creating a “controlled” free range (more precisely, pastured) environment. Buying a well-made hoop tractor can be expensive, so we make our own.

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Gaggle Of Goslings: Out And About

It’s hard to believe that the Pilgrim goslings are one week old already. They’re growing fast, experiencing new sights, sounds, and snacks (greens), and most of them are very good about keeping up with the group when we take short walks on the farm (there’s always one laggard…usually preoccupied with something and not paying attention). I figured I’d better get an update posted before the littles are all grown up!

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