Farm Fowl: Laying Like It’s Spring!

Right in the nest box – good girl!

The calendar may say that there’s still another week and a half until spring arrives, but the poultry say otherwise: the first goose eggs of the season were in the coop this morning. Along with those enormous beauties, the ducks left five of theirs, and I also collected two early-morning chicken eggs. Hooray for spring’s bounty!

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Farm Fowl: Ducks In Pools

Throwback to late Sept – he’s a big guy now

How about a lighthearted distraction? Our ducks love it when it’s warm enough for their kiddie pools to be out, even in winter. Because they’ll bathe as long as there’s water available – even if the temperatures are below freezing – we dump the pools at evening feeding time (and put them away), so that they’ll be dry when they go into their coop at night.

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