Musings: May Idealism Never Die

We just put up our “Be Kind” sign, acquired this morning at a local bakery. The signs are the work of local kids who still believe there should – and can – be kindness in the world. Every bit counts…and, frankly, sometimes I need a reminder!

We’d been seeing the brightly-colored signs around on lawns, in front of both homes and businesses, so we did some research and discovered that two young ladies from the area were behind it.

The signs, available at pop-up events or certain local businesses, are $10…but that’s actually donated to one of several charities that the buyer chooses. Kids who care about kindness and charity!

So what’s so important about these signs? To me, they embody the spirit of idealism, something that should never die. Many people start out idealistic, believing that the world is full of wonder, beauty, and possibility…until the harshness of life stamps that idealism out.

I once had a (much older) colleague call me an “idealist” and, at that time, it stung because it felt patronizing. Now that I’m older, I realize that maybe it wasn’t meant to be pejorative – perhaps that individual just couldn’t understand why I still believed in honesty and integrity in the corporate space. Those beliefs have been tested – mightily – but I still believe in them, even if they’re often only aspirational.

For the sisters spreading the message of kindness, my wish for you is that you will always see the world as a place worthy of your efforts; that your message of kindness continues to spread beyond this area; and that you never surrender your youthful perspective.

Learn more about Be Kind Oldham County.