From time to time, we find that we need to rehome farm animals. Usually, it’s one of the “excess” roosters or drakes; we make a concerted effort to rehome them – particularly the standouts – before we process them. Recently, a Runner drake was rehomed and the experience was unexpectedly delightful – and worth sharing.
It started like many other rehomings, with a text asking if the drake was still available. He was and, fortunately for him (we had space and he wasn’t a troublemaker), we had time to try to find him his next home. The inquirer asked a few questions and then said s/he would get back to me later. Ok. I archived the message and didn’t hold my breath – often, there’s no follow-up to these queries.
Later that day, the inquirer followed up and said s/he was interested in getting him. We agreed to meet at a public location at a specific time. When the time neared, I placed the drake in a carrier and headed out. The drake was calm and quiet during the trip.
The individual didn’t tell me what kind of vehicle they’d be driving for identification purposes (so I can flag you down if you drive by without recognizing my car) but I had told him/her where I’d be parked. When a vehicle pulled up next to me, I knew it was the person who’d sent me the text.
A mother and teenage daughter got out of the vehicle. The teen was all smiles as she promptly handed me the rehoming fee* and I got the carrier. When she saw the drake, she was so excited, she actually let out a squeal. OMG! Nowadays, how many kids actually get that excited about animals? And she named him “Kevin”, on the spot. Her enthusiasm was infectious, and I found myself beaming, too.
I placed the drake into their carrier and we said our goodbyes. I needed to run into the feed store and buy some supplies, and they were planning to do the same. After a few minutes, I saw them in the store – and the drake was also with them in his carrier. I was relieved because it was a very hot day, too hot to leave animals in parked cars. I was glad to know that Kevin was going to a good home.
Later, I received a text message from L., the young lady. It was a photo of Kevin, out of his crate in the car, looking comfortable and debonair.

She added, “he’s perfect!” A girl and her drake. 😊 May you both have many happy years together!
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