Eat This: Goose Egg Custard Rice Pudding

This is what happens if you cross rice pudding and custard

Laying season is now over for our geese, and we find ourselves with a few “extra” goose eggs that need to be put to good use. While goose (and duck) eggs are delightful in scrambles and other egg-based dishes, waterfowl eggs really shine in baked goods. As rice pudding fans, we decided to tweak a recipe we had for a custard-topped rice pudding – that we previously made with duck eggs – by using those enormous goose eggs, instead.

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Musings: Small Sunday Celebrations

A well-used hatcher…ugh

Yes, this is a massively dirty incubator – the aftermath of a gosling hatch. Looking at that mess – and the smell! – was a little depressing…for a brief, irrational moment I thought about simply tossing that filthy incubator into the trash. But that’s not how I roll. So I pushed up my sleeves, put on my rubber gloves and got to work.

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