Strangely, it snowed yesterday. That’s not unheard of for this time of year, but the accumulation was surprising. It’s a bit…disorienting…waking up to snow on the ground in spring.
Egads, the tender leaves just recently pushing forth..! The poor mulberry tree, once again hit by cold after beginning to bud. It doesn’t bode well for fruit this year. Last year, late frost meant the berries didn’t develop properly. Will this be another mulberry-less year?
The elderberry bushes were also cloaked in thick, wet snow, but they’re resilient. My guess us that they’ll weather the snowfall just fine.

The pines weren’t terribly bothered – the wet snow weighed down branches, but none snapped off or even seemed overburdened. Snow on pines is a particularly pleasing scene, but it’s just weird at this time of year.

For the mulberries’ sake, no more snow! I’m looking forward to water kefir and even wine from the tree by the barn…and the birds enjoy those berries, too.