Many lives have been changed by the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) pandemic; some have argued that our lives will never be quite the same. Strangely, though, life here, now, hasn’t changed as much as it might otherwise have. Spring means new life, growth, and opportunities to learn.
Tag: Gut Health
Farm Ferments: Lacto-Fermented Watermelon Rind Pickles
What’s more cooling and refreshing on a wickedly hot day than the sweet goodness of ice cold watermelon? (check out the health benefits here) And there are plenty of tasty treats that can be made from the watermelon – including the rinds!
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Farm Ferments: Kick@ss Kohlrabi Kraut
I think kohlrabi is a misunderstood and underappreciated root vegetable. It’s homely, sure, but under that gnarly-looking exterior is crisp, juicy, and flavorful flesh that puts boring (mainstream) veggies like carrots and potatoes to shame. And it really shines in the probiotic goodness of sauerkraut!
Farm Ferments: Orange Cream Water Kefir
This is the season when water kefir really shines: it’s hydrating and delicious, and wonderful after a bit too much time in the heat. Citrus adds bright flavors to the kefir, but when you turn plain orange kefir into orange cream, it kicks it up several notches!
Farm Ferments: Probiotic Purple Sauerkraut
Interested in trying to ferment something? Start with sauerkraut. It’s very easy and packed with probiotic goodness (and antioxidants, vitamins C and K, and other nutrients, thanks to the cabbage). Just find a nice – preferably organic to avoid chemical residue – medium cabbage and start fermenting!
Continue reading “Farm Ferments: Probiotic Purple Sauerkraut”
Farm Ferments: Ripe Peach Water Kefir
So what do you when you find a big basketful of “overripe” peaches at the farm stand for a great price? Snap them up, of course, and make tasty eats and drinks with them…like the probiotic goodness of peach water kefir!