Haiku: Overnight Aria

Image: zhnee, Pixabay (original photo altered)

Singing at 2 a.m…who does that? The mockingbird, of course. I suspect we have a healthy population of them here, based on the nests I’ve come across over the years and the sheer numbers of them I’ve seen at the feeders. Clever creatures, they are. And, when the stillness of night (or the predawn wee hours) reigns, they’re loud.

While I appreciate the mockingbird’s enthusiasm, I do wish it would stick to singing during daylight hours..! 😄

Haiku: Baby Mockingbirds

What a delightful surprise to find that the gorgeous Northern Mockingbird eggs had hatched – and from the looks of it, a couple of days ago!

The babies are already feathered, and will soon fledge.

We’ve been privileged to witness two different songbirds’ nestlings hatch, and it’s been such a rare pleasure. Mama Mockingbird has done a great job hatching and raising her brood – may they all grow up and raise their own babies someday!