Haiku: Incarnations

I’ve written about wanting to realize my goal of becoming a writer, despite having spent much of my working life in a field where I had little opportunity to write creatively. In truth, I don’t think that matters as much as I’d thought: there are many possible paths to reaching goals, and I’m pleased to share that I’ve achieved one. “Write what you know” is a well-known (and respected) piece of writing advice…so I did.

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Musings: Writing As Sustenance

It’s a special time of day: I’m sitting in the breakfast “nook” in my kitchen in early morning, sipping chai tea, listening to Yaz (and wondering if the song “Only You” reminds me more of The [British] Office or Fringe) and letting the creative juices flow. I luxuriate in the quiet and solitude, knowing that – right now – the Oxford comma rules supreme here. After years of trying different professional roles, I’ve finally come to the point where I realize that I am, first and foremost, a writer…and everything else will be inextricably interwoven with that identity.

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