It’s stormy today. Even though it was warmer and the ground began to dry out yesterday, today’s rain made it all soggy again. And the ducks are happy as can be!
Mud makes for good earthworm-hunting, so the ducks and the chickens should get their fill today. They’re constantly on the lookout for tasty bugs, even pausing to grab one on their way back to the coop in the evening.
Even though rain and wind were in the forecast, the teens went out in the tractor this morning. We figured the double-thickness tarp on over the tractor would shield the chicks, as it had worked effetively for our first chicks. When we checked on them this afternoon, though, one chick was standing in a puddle – runoff had pooled in a low spot. Lessons learned: place the tractor on high ground only, and chicks will stand in water even if a dry roost is available.
No one seemed disappointed to head in early today. Tomorrow’s supposed to be partly sunny, so we’ll try again.