Goslings are uniquely adorable babies – expressive, curious, and, when imprinted, attached to you. They also love to touch and taste everything.
Continue reading “Haiku: A New World”Category: Photography
Haiku: Hidden Gems
As I was hand-harvesting pasture greens for the pigs, an unexpected vignette was revealed: under the long, damp strands of grass lay the uniquely beautiful blue of a discarded robin’s egg. What a lovely surprise!
Continue reading “Haiku: Hidden Gems”Haiku: If Clouds Could Speak

I’m not going to caption this one today. I hope it means something to you, too. Be well.
Haiku: Growing Gaggle
It’s been busy – and productive – here on the farm. I’ve hatched lots of chicks this year, so it’s fun to focus on waterfowl for a while.
Continue reading “Haiku: Growing Gaggle”Haiku: The Changeling
I recently had the fortune of noticing this incredible chrysalis hanging from a thread wrapped several times around a tulip poplar sapling’s branch. Whatever’s inside is safely ensconced in its protective, papery wrapper…hopefully, to emerge soon in its full glory. Dare I hope to witness its emergence? I hope that something beautiful and utterly wondrous comes forth. I really do.
Haiku: Sailing Samaras
The helicopters are here! It’s that time of year: the maples are sending down their seeds via the incredible winged delivery systems called “samaras”. With luck and the right conditions, seedlings will grow from these seeds.
Continue reading “Haiku: Sailing Samaras”