Poem: In Memory Of The Lost Girls

It seems like just yesterday

That you were here –

Because it was.

And, yet, today

There is a hole in the universe

Where you used to be.

I know I won’t see you

Or hear your soft voice now

And my world is darker.

But I won’t be mired in sadness

Because you live on –

I am reminded daily.

Today, it was the vibrant blue

Of the chicory plant

You loved so much.

The flowers had opened

To the sun, and closed

When you departed.

They greeted me today

And I heard your voice, a whisper,

Or was it leaves stirring?

I rewind to better times

When you were in dappled sunshine,

Surrounded by sisters.

Goodbye, chicory flower,

Goodbye for now –

But I’ll see you again.

Build This: Hoop Tractor v3.0

When you have poultry or waterfowl grow-outs (but especially waterfowl, since they make such a mess with water), a tractor is invaluable. It keeps them safe from predators but allows the growing birds to scratch, bathe, find bugs, eat greens, and enjoy fresh air and sunshine – creating a “controlled” free range (more precisely, pastured) environment. Buying a well-made hoop tractor can be expensive, so we make our own.

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On Celebrating The “Pigness Of The Pig”

It’s been rainy lately, which means the ground is muddy…which is how pigs prefer it. And they don’t want stinky, feces-filled mud – they like “clean” dirt (oxymoron?) that’s been carefully mixed with water into a perfectly-pastelike consistency. The mud also helps keep them cool, and protects their skin from the ample biting insects out here. All hail mud!

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