Haiku: Mercurial Mammatus

A strong storm blew in yesterday – the kind that made me wish I’d shut the solid coop door (often open for airflow this time of year, with the chickens safe behind a wire-covered “screen” door). The rain pounded the earth in slanted sheets, and the trees’ limbs flailed in the whipping wind. Thunder rattled the glassware in the china cabinet and I steered clear of the windows, wary of the brilliant flashes of lightning.

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Around The Farm: First Day Of Fall

The Autumnal Equinox occurs today in the Northern Hemisphere. And it’s raining. It’s been raining for the past couple of days, and I’m not going to even pretend that it’s not a bit…dreary. The oppressive gray clouds, thick and unrelenting, filter the sunlight so that it’s unusually dark, even during the day. In spite of the inclement conditions though, beauty is just waiting to be found.

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