Dinner For Breakfast: Loco Moco

I made that kkakdugi!

I have eaten my fair share of “local food”, meaning the multicultural food culture the diverse people of Hawaii have created and made uniquely their own, and includes influences from ethnic Hawaiian, Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Portugese, and Filipino food. When you eat “local food”, you’re eating from a cultural melting pot that has successfully married unlikely partners such as Spam and the sticky rice and nori from sushi. Don’t call it Spam sushi – it’s Spam musubi (pronounced “moo-soo-bee”, accent on the first syllable). It used to be a guilty pleasure, but I no longer eat it because it (1) contains factory farmed pork , (2) contains sodium nitrite, and (3) is high in sodium.  Continue reading “Dinner For Breakfast: Loco Moco”

Meatless Eats: A Vegan Roast Worth Celebrating

A stuffed roast? It is – a Celebration Roast!

You may have seen an earlier post in which we discussed that we’re not vegetarians (No, We’re Not Vegetarians…), but still often choose to eat vegetarian or vegan meals – and how people seem to have difficulty wrapping their heads around the idea that we don’t eat just any meat: we’ve elected to only eat meat sourced from farms that value humane animal husbandry and processing of their animals’ meat. We often encounter people – in work settings, for example – who either look completely confounded or even annoyed by our explanation for why we won’t eat an item from a fast food place.

Continue reading “Meatless Eats: A Vegan Roast Worth Celebrating”