I’ve seen oak leaves, mixed with what are predominantly maple leaves, in the pastures, and have wondered about their provenance. To my knowledge, there are no oak trees here, though I’ve seen them at nearby parks and other properties. So where, exactly, were these leaves coming from?
Continue reading “Musings: Mystery Of The Oak Leaf”Category: Environment
Haiku: Lofty Layers
Winter may not have officially arrived, but it’s certainly felt like winter here already: I’ve seen a few snowflakes, and temperatures have ensured solidly-frozen hoses and slightly-frozen faces.
Continue reading “Haiku: Lofty Layers”Haiku: Fugacious Feathers
Finding the unexpected is one of life’s small pleasures. “Ordinary” beauty is all around us, even in some of the most unglamorous places. When you see it, take time to appreciate it – even if it’s the kind of ephemera that exists for mere moments.
Continue reading “Haiku: Fugacious Feathers”Haiku: Peeking Petals
Even though today is an unseasonably warm one, we’ve had several cold snaps lately that have caused temperatures to plummet below freezing. The plants have reacted accordingly: many simply dying on the vine, others becoming dormant. The colorful flowers of summer have all but disappeared…almost.
Continue reading “Haiku: Peeking Petals”Haiku: Rainy Day Ruminations
As the day grows darker, morphing from mild and breezy to downright gloomy and even ominous, my thoughts turn to why we, as a species, have made so little progress on averting (and now, mitigating) climate disaster.
Continue reading “Haiku: Rainy Day Ruminations”Haiku: Fall’s Finery
What constitutes a “perfect” Fall day? For me, it’s cool temperatures that bring crispness to the air and a touch of frost to the grass; clear, deep blue skies; a kaleidoscope of fiery leaf colors ranging from gold to salmon to crimson; and the welcome softness of the season’s light. It’s this quality of the light, in particular, that always causes me to take a moment to fully recognize that summer has departed for another year.
Continue reading “Haiku: Fall’s Finery”